**01022003.as this space assume reverse cone. funnelshaped .if on out of coneside line take a walk free may be find the earth history like time machine.**
But unsolved nuclear force was out of my sight.when i flashed isotope at middle school.121302.
As serendipity I flashed today i got complete level LoT past the my consideration.091102.
Final Conclusion was evoked by some chance 012001.i feel now fed process ....nothing entropy.
Logic of Theta
Sub Theme:Dreaming philosophical poem
Love is over the big bang.
Cyclic universe maybe good.051403.**we have BigBang symmetry about this universe.072203.
sad-dharma-pundarika-sutra... is experiment buddha eternity?.070103.from time site before big bang and big banng and after big bang can suppose theta letter.091703. - it is usually dark matter occured big bang is clearly. It started as drawing of surface now beyond the dark matter is imagine what is thema theta have measure experiment(121498).our physics can imagine as dark matter have operated 4 demension manifoled and before this entropy have one way increasing and heisenberg's principal were needed(990115).wave bundle degeneration add(040699).time is including all black holes.(072799).if other way have time phase is not one(010300).big bang=super string?(073000)......(12052002.i knew D-brane & M-theory situation with superstring. time lapsed.floating sinario 3+1 dimension seemed have same phase with this page.as projective?bundle..Theta vacuum is as ppendix.)(01252003.darkmatter=axion? o..through passing the big bang easy.)
when lightness as lantern brightness gleamed each green trees...
- glistened sunshine on river...
- wave played two
- eternity being in lasting beside
glimmering to murmuring
darkness sea bottom passed reciprocal
inner silence looming
glint stars subtle listening nova
illusionable color resurrecting reciprocal
on white cloud sea profound shine eye
bound laied daylight calming
- from boltzman theorem it add 3-dimension domain.and it put greece 8.simplily is element.however it resembled superstring than monad and entuty is more dotlike.world is interpreted its flexible free joinning is called theory(better logic) of theta.from aleph dimension infinitude is into theta interpretation as element.as justly when i had thought path with mulberry field image of affine space have co-originaltime aleph confusion...such this as ..theta exchanged taking in that things if newly recognition occurred.it may from uncertainty theorem of geodel it well have recognition depend on relativety theory have not to explain of this world.
- as methodically for instance appreciation of eternal revolution etc can do possible freely if direction have.direction of eternal revolution of present theta would be one quark have as same as after big bann our possible perceptive world.in domain is out of out domain in this case out domain missing in domain if quark including comprehended theta would be that comprehension.
- image of vertical image of affine space affine mean not real image of affine space.darely i say is affine space of affine space.this original is occurred when i put try to set my conciousness to dead body in my home graveyard just when i supposed i want to create covering world theory.next before it begin when i awaked 5 old.more next before it begin my birth.that before depend on my parents gene.there fore i will be thanksgiving my parents. this is evidently at that before racing human being life earth space.(dec1398).
Theta had set inertial intention as if Emerging Virus.....
I knew more about Autopoiesis today(Oct0301).theta dancing resemble closely process network through elements.see REf
outline or excerpt.....i agree this memorial had written in the success field.(12.31.20002.i remained i had been have presentiment from first written.i.e.we can presentiment time machine.)
- No.0...ocurrence levered more is just through string net from that point(111101).
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